Your friendly turkey trot tips from Velocity Physical Therapy: Movement is medicine! This time of year is often times filled…
Sydney Lill, PT, DPT
Physical Therapist | NORTH DENTON
Sydney joined our team in October 2020 after graduating from Wichita State University with her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in May 2020. Before physical therapy school, she attended Kansas State University where she received a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology with a secondary major in Gerontology in May 2017. While in school, she became a certified yoga instructor and began training for sprint distance triathlons. She continued with her passion for remaining physically active in graduate school by teaching at a local dance studio and as an instructor at the local YMCA for the adaptive swim program for children with developmental disabilities. She is excited to use her experiences with all ages to build relationships with patients and discover what they need to reach their goals for mobility and return to doing activities they love.
Sydney and her husband Sam enjoy exploring their new home in Texas with their two Australian Shepherds, Iroh and Koda. Most weekends they will be hiking and exploring with the boys or trying new restaurants that friends and patients recommend.
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